Crucify the flesh

Crucify the flesh

How do you kill your flesh when that person or that thing is rising up inside of you, screaming your name? How do you put it to death? The lingering, the pain, the agitation that remains. How do you crucify your flesh? I believe we have to take our eyes off of...
Truth teller

Truth teller

Hey everyone. I’m in Created for More again, and we are going to talk about truth telling. Galatians 4:16. Have I really become your enemy because I tell you the truth? You are created to be a truth teller. Truth. Authentic. Honesty. Realness. Being a truth...
Comfort and edify

Comfort and edify

Today, I’m reading a page out of my book, Created for More. Comfort and edify. Comfort, soothe, ease, relieve. Edify, enlighten, guide, better, refine. Comfort and edification. We are called and created to comfort each other. We are called and created to edify...
On Wednesdays I cry

On Wednesdays I cry

Today, I just wanted to encourage you that it’s okay to cry. Give yourself some time to release. To just dig deep and see what’s been bothering you that you need to let go of. I wrote this a few weeks ago. It’s called, on Wednesdays I cry. Wednesdays...
Obedience Key

Obedience Key

Today, I wanted to read out of our keys book, a key for obedience. I believe the key for obedience is to meditate on His word. Listen to Him speak to you through the Holy Spirit. Obey and follow what He says. He will lead and He will guide, but you will have to...