I’m going to read a page out of the first True Prayers book. This is the very first book I ever wrote. Page 71. Control.
Where does it come from? Where does it live? I believe it comes from within. When we don’t surrender. Don’t let go. Don’t let our Father be the one in the know. Control. It hurts, it causes pain. It knows no real name. Let go. Let God take over and see. He has the best will for thee. Let go and fully surrender your heart today.
Wow, control is a hard one because I love to be in control. I love to plan. I love to do. I just love everything about control. But control puts a lot of stress on your body. You end up stressing about everything. And then when it doesn’t go your way, you are devastated. So, I would say today, give your control to the Lord, Jesus. Give it to him. Say, take it, Lord. Take my control. I don’t want it anymore. I want your will your way and I pray for all of you guys today that suffers with control as I do in Jesus mighty name.
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