Today, I just wanted to encourage you that it’s okay to cry. Give yourself some time to release. To just dig deep and see what’s been bothering you that you need to let go of. I wrote this a few weeks ago. It’s called, on Wednesdays I cry.
Wednesdays I cry. Wednesdays are my days, my days to sit alone on the couch for hours. I think. I pray. I try to dig deep to see where I’m not okay. It’s my time to slow down, to rest, to release. I cry a lot on Wednesdays. I come out around noonish and feel the peace I have reaped. So thankful that our loving God sees us, hears us, and is so very faithful. Take the time, sit, repent, be free from all your insecurities.
Let Jesus in and win. So, friend today, if you need to cry, do it. It’ll make you feel so much better and you will release things that you may not even know that’s in you. I pray today that you can sit and release in Jesus precious name. Amen.
Thanks again, and I love that you are here to listen to Simple Truth. Please share if you know someone who could benefit from Simple Truth, much appreciated!