The Simple Truth Podcast

Go low and stand your ground

Go low and stand your ground

Standing your ground isn’t always easy, but He will give you the strength to do what He has called you to do. Going low in prayer. Worship. Repentance. It is all about how you surrender to God.

Give it to Jesus

Give it to Jesus

What do you need to let go of? What do you need to be set free from? It could be something as simple as what happened in your day, or it could be something you have been holding onto for weeks. Maybe it’s something that happened a month ago and you just can’t seem to shake it. Give it to him today. Take the piece he generously gives when we lay it all at his feet.

Waiting on the Lord

Waiting on the Lord

Keep praying, keep staying, keep having the faith, having the patience, and know that His timing and His will is the best. Not ours, but His.

Crucify the flesh

Crucify the flesh

Jesus, help us when we want to find our way. Help us not to stray into a mess of a mess. Help us as this is one of the hardest things we may face. Help us see the way, your way, in your name, amen.

Truth teller

Truth teller

You are created to be a truth teller. Be prepared. Seek Him in insight and wisdom. Ask Him to be courageous.

Comfort and edify

Comfort and edify

Comfort and edification. I would say comforting someone is a lot easier than edification. Edification can feel very hard to do, but it actually blesses the other person so much if you can be brave and bold in that edification process and let the Holy Spirit lead you in that, it could set someone free.

On Wednesdays I cry

On Wednesdays I cry

Take the time, sit, repent, be free from all your insecurities. Let Jesus in and win. So, friend today, if you need to cry, do it. It’ll make you feel so much better and you will release things that you may not even know that’s in you.

Obedience Key

Obedience Key

I believe the key for obedience is to meditate on His word. Listen to Him speak to you through the Holy Spirit. Obey and follow what He says. He will lead and He will guide, but you will have to surrender your pride to live in full obedience.

Blow through doubt and insecurity

Blow through doubt and insecurity

I wanted to encourage you today to just blow through that doubt and insecurity. Leave all doubt and insecurity in its place. Just leave it. Tell Jesus to take the doubt. Faith is the opposite of doubt.

Hebrews 11:1 says, Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

When our faith is tested, it can be very hard not to have those thoughts of doubt creep in.

Praise is our weapon

Praise is our weapon

 Psalms 23:5 says, you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil. My cup runs over.
Thank you, Lord, for filling our cup. We ask you to come in and take all that drains us and fill us back up in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

What is keeping you awake?

What is keeping you awake?

If you are carrying a burden you aren’t meant to carry, ask God to take it. He will call us to love, sow seeds, pray, and be there. But if the choices of others aren’t changed, He will also call us out of it. Be surrendered to Him fully and follow His ever loving lead. Be set free in Jesus’ mighty name today.

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

New beginnings. Don’t we all love a fresh start? A new chapter in life? Maybe you are searching for a new approach. He will call us out of the old and into the new season. Maybe we are ready, maybe we are not. Maybe we want to hold on to that old just a little bit longer. Or maybe we want to never think of the old ever again.
